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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 Cause of death on certificate given as "Acute Bronchitis" GREIG, Jane Henderson (I2113)
152 Cause of death on certificate given as "Epilepsy" GREIG, Isabella Young (I2114)
153 Cause of Death:
I. a. Auricular Fibrillation
b. Chronic Myocarditis
II. Depressive State 
KING, Daisy Marion (I1168)
154 Census 1841 - Using the name Collison HILTON Pleasant (I1415)
155 Census 1841, 1851 OLIVER, John (I93)
156 Census 1841,1851 OLIVER, George (I125)
157 Census 1841,1851 - possibly married Ann Campbell 18 JUL 1863 Manchester, England Cath OLIVER, Vernon Liversage (I123)
158 Census 1841,1891, UNDERWOOD, Mary (I94)
159 Census 1851 OLIVER, John (I124)
160 Census 1851, 1861 (Prison) OLIVER, Francis (I98)
161 Census 1851, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 OLIVER, Edward (I91)
162 Census 1851,1891 OLIVER, William (I95)
163 Census 1861 - Using the name Jane Collison HILTON Pleasant (I1415)
164 Census 1871 - Using the name Jane Colliton HILTON Pleasant (I1415)
165 Census 1871 indexed as Jones - Chester b1846,1881 - Banbury b1848,1891 - Bunbury b1847, 1901 - Bomberry b1846 WILKINSON, Louisa (I92)
166 Census 1871 not found in later census OLIVER, Mary A (I97)
167 Census 1871, 1881, 1891 OLIVER, John (I96)
168 Census 1881, 1891 ROBINSON, Annie (I103)
169 Census 1881, 1891 JANE, Emma Raw (I104)
170 Census 1881, 1891, 1871 RAW, John (I102)
171 Census 1891, 1901 OLIVER, Edward (I100)
172 Census 1891, 1901 OLIVER, Thomas (I101)
173 Census 1901 OLIVER, Annie (I99)
174 Census 1901, 1881, 1891 RAW, Annie (I90)
175 Check David's death certificate for her name. Hard to read. KEMLO, NN (I11263)
176 Child attributed to Charles Duthie by Kirk Sessions Family: Charles DUTHIE / Margaret MILNE (F4342)
177 chosen because had daughter Phebe in 1777 on Free Reg BROWN, John (I297)
178 chosen because had daughter Phebe in 1777 on Free Reg NN, Mary (I298)
Fanny is recorded as Canoy
The two people recored as THORPE - Could this be a misspelling of SHARPE - Jane's Maiden name 
COLLINSON, Fanny Elizabeth (I478)
180 County:- Lincolnshire
Place:- Caistor
Church:- St Peter and St Paul
Marriage Date:- 01 Oct 1854
Groom Forename:- David
Groom Surname:- CAVILE
Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Carrier
Groom Abode:- Caistor
Bride Forename:- Harriet
Bride Surname:- PARKER
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Bride Occupation:- Servant
Bride Abode:- Cabourne
Groom Father:- James CAVILE
Bride Father:- John PARKER
Bride Father Occupation:- Labourer
Witness One:- Charles PARKER
Witness Two:- Harriet PARKER
Notes:- By Licence 
Family: David CAVILL / Harriett PARKER (F4468)
181 County:- Lincolnshire
Place:- Cleethorpes
Church:- Wesleyan Chapel
Marriage Date:- 26 Oct 1899
Groom Forename:- William Thomas Goodfellow
Groom Surname:- ARTHEY
Groom Age:- 26
Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Journeyman Shoemaker
Groom Abode:- 120 Orwell Street, Cleethorpes
Bride Forename:- Annie
Bride Surname:- WRIGHT
Bride Age:- 21
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Bride Abode:- 12 St Peter's Road, Cleethorpes
Groom Father:- Samuel James ARTHEY
Groom Father Occupation:- Fisherman
Bride Father:- Thomas WRIGHT
Bride Father Occupation:- Signalman - deceased
Witness One:- D. COLLINSON
Witness Two:- Elizabeth TURNER 
Family: William Thomas Goodfellow ARTHEY / Annie WRIGHT (F40)
182 Cremation GREIG, Dr. Randolph Wilbur Blair (I960)
183 data from Itteringham gravestone on website AYTON, Stephen (I184)
184 Date of Birth:- 03 Sep 1855
Baptism Date:- 23 Sep 1855
Forename:- Wright
Sex:- Male
Father Forename:- William
Mother Forename:- Hannah
Father Surname:- COLLINSON
Abode:- Humberstone (sic)
Father Occupation:- Labourer and Cottager 
COLLINSON, Wright (I456)
185 Date of Birth:- 10 Jan 1871
Baptism Date:- 19 Feb 1871
Forename:- Mary Ann
Sex:- Female
Father Forename:- Joseph
Mother Forename:- Eliza
Father Surname:- TAYLOR
Abode:- Saxby
Father Occupation:- Labourer 
TAYLOR, Mary Ann (I1577)
186 Date of Birth:- 11 Dec 1798
Baptism Date:- 14 Dec 1798
Forename:- Jane
Sex:- F
Father Forename:- John
Mother Forename:- Elizabeth
Father Surname:- WELLS 
WELLS, Jane (I15721)
187 Date of Birth:- 18 Oct 1869
Baptism Date:- 17 Nov 1869
Forename:- Frederick
Sex:- Male
Father Forename:- Joseph
Mother Forename:- Eliza
Father Surname:- TAYLOR
Abode:- Saxby
Father Occupation:- Labourer
Notes :- Received 26 Jan 1870 
TAYLOR, Frederick (I1576)
188 Date of Birth:- 2 Apr 1782
Baptism Date:- 10 Apr 1782
Forename:- Miles
Sex:- M
Father Forename:- Thomas
Mother Forename:- Elizabeth
Father Surname:- WELLS 
WELLS, Miles (I15719)
189 Date of Birth:- 23 mar 1794
Baptism Date:- 26 Mar 1794
Forename:- William
Sex:- M
Father Forename:- John
Mother Forename:- Elizabeth
Father Surname:- WELLS 
WELLS, William (I653)
190 Date of Birth:- 27 Jan 1790
Baptism Date:- 28 Jan 1790
Forename:- Thomas
Sex:- |M
Father Forename:- John
Mother Forename:- Elizabeth
Father Surname:- WELLS
WELLS, Thomas (I15717)
191 Date of Birth:- 5 Jan 1797
Baptism Date:- 5 Jan 1797
Forename:- Edward
Sex:- M
Father Forename:- John
Mother Forename:- Elizabeth
Father Surname:- WELLS 
WELLS, Edward (I15720)
192 Date of Birth:- 6 Oct 1867
Baptism Date:- 10Nov 1867
Forename:- Anne
Sex:- Female
Father Forename:- Joseph
Mother Forename:- Eliza
Father Surname:- TAYLOR
Abode:- Saxby
Father Occupation:- Labourer
TAYLOR, Anne (I1572)

No:- 34
1. When and Where died:- 17 Sep 1928 - Le Havre, Station Road, Healing
2. Name and surname:- Parkin COLLINSON
3. Sex:- Male
4. Age:- 80 years
5. Occupation:- Formerly a coachman (domestic)
6. Cause of death:-
1(a) Ceystitis
(b) Carcinoma of Prostate - No P.M>
Certifed by F. W. Fawssett M.B.

7. Residence and description of informant:- M. COLLINSON - Daughter-in-law - present at death - 80 Chapman Street, Grimsby
8. When registered:- 17 Sep 1928
9. Signature of Registrar:- W. H. Wintringham 
COLLINSON, Parkin (I572)

No:- 359
1. When and Where died:- 11 January 1933 - Hoilmescroft, High Holmes Road, Louth
2. Name and surname:- Wright COLLINSON
3. Sex:- Male
4. Age:- 77
5. Occupation:- of North Somercotes, Louth R.D. - Agricultural Labourer
6. Cause of death:- Debility and shock following fracture of right femur caused by his accidentally falling into yard at Pyes Hall - No PM
7. Residence and description of informant:- Particulars received from Philip Allman(?) coroner for Lincolnshire (Linsey) Louth District. Inquest held 12th January 1933
8. When registered:- 13 January 1933
9. Signature of Registrar:- John (?) Goodwin 
COLLINSON, Wright (I456)

1. When and Where died:- 17 Jun 1976 - 122 Norwich Road, Wroxham, Norwich, Norfolk
2. Name and surname:- Thomas George BUCHANAN
3. Sex:- Male
5. Date and Place of Birth:- 20 November 1883 - Northern Ireland
6. Occupation and usual address:- Registered Medical Practitioner (Retired)- 122 Norwich Road Wroxham, Norwich, Norfolk
7.(a) Name and Surname of Informant:- Suzanne Desmeen COLLINSON
7.(b) Qualification:- Daughter
7.(c) Usual Address:- 122 Norwich Road, Wroxham
8. Cause of Death:-
Certified by F.R.Bell Coroner for Norwich District of Norfolk after post-mortem without inquest

10. Date of Registration:- 27 Jun 1976
11. Signature of Registrar:- Unreadable 
BUCHANAN, Doctor Thomas George (I405)

1. When and Where died:- 23 Dec 1951 - Blofield House, Blofield
2. Name and surname:- Henry BUCHANAN
3. Sex:- Male
4. Age:- 63
5. Occupation:- Farmer (Retired)
6. Cause of death:-
I.a. Cerebral Thrombosis
c.Arterio Sclerosis
Certified by H. K. Evans M.R.C.S.

7. Residence and description of informant:- T. G. Buchanan Brother In Attendence Blofield House, Blofield
8. When registered:- 24 Dec 1951
9. Signature of Registrar:- George E. B. Lincoln 
BUCHANAN, Henry Watson (I442)
197 Death certificate gives cause as "Lysol Poisoning" GREIG, James Shepherd (I2115)
198 Death certificate gives cause of death as:
Gangrene of Lung
Cardiac failure 
GREIG, Mary Ann Charlotte Collier (I2112)
199 Death certificate gives her as a "Boot and Shoe Shop Assistant" GREIG, Isabella Young (I2114)
200 Death reported. 1901 Census 42 Harnall Lane East, 1881C 167 Far Gosford Str. 1871C Castle St, Rugby. INGRAM, John (I133)

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