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 #   Notes   Linked to 
251 Father's Occupation:- Wheelwright BUCK, Ann (I1607)
252 Father:- James Cowan, Housepainter
Mother:- M. S. Maitland
Date and Place of Marriage:- 15 Jun 1894, Irvine 
COWAN, Jean Maitland (I15687)
253 Forename:- Robert
Age:- 80
COLLINSON, Robert (I1386)
254 found in free reg SMITH, Charles (I299)
255 found in free reg SMITH, Maria (I300)
256 found in free reg, 41C SMITH, Elizabeth (I223)
257 Frances was the informant on her mother's death certificate in 1909 and she was living at Chelmsford, Essex. ROLLO, Frances E (I15315)
258 From an accompanying letter from Rev. Barry John Reabow S.A.C Parish Priest and Administrator of the Cathedral and Vicar general and Chancellor of the Diocese of Queenstown

It is recorded that a Dispensation from the impediment of Mixed Religion was given by the Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern Districts of the Cape of Good Hope, Bishop Hugh McSherry, Miss Callaway being a baptised member of the Catholic church and Mr Collinson being a baptised member of a non-Catholic Church. 
Family: Herbert COLLINSON / Maud CALLOWAY (F4431)
259 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, Thomas (I302)
260 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, Elizabeth (I303)
261 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, David (I304)
262 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, Peggy (I305)
263 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, John (I306)
264 From Janet Raws Tree RAW, Nancy (I307)
265 from Phillip Balderstone tree BAXTER, Hannah (I321)
266 Gaggy Tough who was reputed to smoke a pipe. MILNE, Margaret (I15503)
267 George COLLINSON was sole executor of Parkin's will and was given £20 for doing so, resident at Ancona House, Carlton Road, Healing in 1928 COLLINSON, Parkin (I572)
268 Georges mother was Alice GRIMSHAW, George (I311)
269 Godestone - Jul-Aug-Sep 1907 2a 233 COLLINSON, John Benjamin Rose (I2105)
270 Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Witness One:- Edward MARSHALL
Witness Two:- Robert ROBINSON
Family: Thomas ADKIN / Ann COLLINSON (F402)
271 Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Mariner
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Witness One:- Robt MILNER
Witness Two:- John ELLIS
Witness Three:-  
Family: Thomas WELLS / Susannah JOHNSON (F4410)
272 Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Parish:- North Somercoats
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Bride Parish:- North Somercoats
Witness One:- Walter SERGENT
Witness Two:- Robert WALLER 
Family: William LAMMING / Mary Ann PROCTOR (F4426)
273 Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Parish:- Sibsey
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Bride Parish:- Sibsey
Witness One:- Abraham MARSHALL
Witness Two:- Richard PLANT 
Family: Thomas COLLISON / Elizabeth TILSON (F110)
274 Groom Condition:- Single
Groom Parish:- Ludham, Norfolk, England
Bride Condition:- Single
Bride Parish:- Tunstead, Norfolk, England
Witness One:- Wm. STARTERS
Witness Two:- Eliz. STARTERS 
Family: John MYHILL / Mary Ann FORD (F212)
275 Groom Abode Rollesby
Bride Abode Rollesby
Groom's Father William MYHILL
Groom Father's Occupation Farmer
Bride's Father Charles DANIELS
Bride's Father's Occupation Farmer
Witness One Charles DANIELS
Witness Two Elizabeth HOOPER
Witness Three Emma DAWSON
Witness Four Elizabeth MYHILL
Family: William MYHILL / Harriette Eliza DANIELS (F448)
276 Groom Abode:- Carbrooke
Groom Occupation:- Shoemaker
Groom Father's Name:- Joshua BUCH
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Wheelwright
Bride's Abode:- Whicklewood
Bride's Father's Name:- John BUCK
Bride's Father's Occupation:- :- Blacksmith
Witness One:- William TILLETT
Witness Two:- Mary BUCK

Family: Henry BUCK / Charlotte BUCK (F479)
277 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Philip BUCK / Jane BONE (F638)
278 Groom Age:- 25 years
Groom Occupation:- Labourer
Groom Father Name:- James BATCH
Groom Father Occupation:- Labourer
Bride Age:- 25 years
Bride Father:- Richard ABEL
Bride Father Occupation:- Labourer
Witness One:- Deborah ABEL
Witness Two:- William Ward BATCH
Bride, Groom and Witnesses all signed their mark

Family: George Bryant BATCH / Hannah ABEL (F536)
279 Groom Age:- 25
Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Gardener
Groom Parish:- Kirkby on Bain
Groom Father:- John THORNBY
Groom Father Occupation:- Labourer
Bride Age:- 21
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Bride Father:- John COLLINSON
Bride Father Occupation:- Labourer
Witness One:- A. G. COLLINSON
Witness Two:- Robt. GOODHAND
Witness Three:- Thomas PRESTWOOD

Family: Alfred THORNBY / Lena COLLINSON (F644)
280 Groom age:- 29
Groom Status:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Engineer
Groom Address:- 81 Nelson Street, Grimsby
Groom Father's Name:- Thomas Bradley FOX
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Butcher
Bride Status:- Spinster
Bride Address:- 102 Ravenspurn Street, Grimsby
Bride Father's Name:- Joseph COLLINSON
Bride Father's Occupation:- Labourer
Note:- Both Signed
Witness One:- Edgar Amos OGLESBY
Witness Two:- Annie WOODS
Family: Harry FOX / Mary Ann COLLINSON (F209)
281 Groom age:- Full
Groom Status:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Shoemaker
Groom Address:- Fortheby Street, Grimsby, Lincolnshire
Groom Father's Name:- Henry SERGEANT
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Joiner and Wheelwright
Bride age:- Under
Bride Status:- Spinster
Bride Address:- Fortherby Street, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England
Bride Father's Name:- John HALL
Bride Father's Occupation:- Fish Merchant
Witness One:- James PARKER - Parish Clark
Witness Two:- Mary Ann FOWLER 
Family: William Walter Henry SERGEANT / Mary Ann HALL (F655)
282 Groom Condition:- Widower
Witness One:- John HARVEY
Witness Two:- Margaret CRISP 
Family: William HARVEY / Mary CRISP (F636)
283 Groom Father Occupation: Labourer
Bride Father Occupation: Labourer
Bride Occupation Servant
Groom Occupation: Labourer
Witness Robert GOWN and Sarah LOWE  
Family: David LOWE / (F216)
284 Groom Name:- COLLINSON Joseph
Groom Age:- 34
Groom Status:- Bachelor
Groom Occupation:- Labourer
Groom Address:- Willingham Street,Weelsby,Clee
Groom Father:- Robert COLLINSON, Labourer
Bride Name:- SARGENT Mary Ann nee HALL
Bride Age:- 24
Bride Status:- Widow
Bride Occupation:- Dressmaker
Bride Address:- Clyde Street,Grimsby
Bride Father:- John HALL, deceased Fish Merchant
Witness One:- George Edwin HALL
Witness Two:- Sarah Jane HALL 
Family: Joseph COLLINSON / Mary Ann HALL (F654)
285 Groom Occupation:- Draper
Groom abode:- Hadleigh Essex
Groom Age:- 28
Bride Abode:- Stalham
Bride Age:- 29
Groom Father Name:- Henry YEAXLEE
Groom Father Occupation:- School Master
Bride Father Name:- Thomas Abbott DANIELS
Bride Father Occupation:- Bank Manager
Witness One:- T. A. DANIELS
Witness Two:- B. H. DANIELS
Witness Three:- Albert H YEAXLEE
Witness Four:- E. B. DANIELS 
Family: Henry Arthur Wellesley YEAXLEE / Sarah May DANIELS (F460)
286 Groom Occupation:- Farmer
Groom Abode:- Bunwell
Bride Abode:- Wicklewood
Groom's Father:- Thomas CHAPMAN
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Farmer
Bride's Father:- Henry BUCK
Bride's Father's Occupation:- Blacksmith
Witness One:- Henry BUCK
Witness Two:- Genand CHAPMAN

Family: Thomas Hudson CHAPMAN / Martha Ann BUCK (F474)
287 Groom Occupation:- Glover
Bride Occupation:- Dress Maker
Witness One:- Thomas HAMMER
Witness Two:- Jane TROWSE 
Family: John Jefferson MYHILL / Elizabeth SPAUL (F93)
288 Groom Occupation:- Mariner
Witness One:- Sarah NELL
Witness Two:- Eliz NELL 
Family: John WELLS / Elizabeth JACKLIN (F91)
289 Groom Occupation:- Shepherd
Groom Abode:- Houghton
Groom Father Name:- John SPOONER
Groom Father Occupation:- Labourer
Bride Father Name:- Joshua BUCK
Bride Father Occupation:- Wheelwright
Witness One:- William BUCK
Witness Two:- Eliza TANN 
Family: Thomas Henry SPOONER / Sarah BUCK (F637)
290 Groom Occupation:- Shoemaker
Groom's Father's Name:- Joshua BUCK
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Wheelwright
Bride's Father's Name:- William HARVEY
Bride's Father's Occupation:- Labourer
Witness One:- Thomas SPOONER
Witness Two:- Sarah BUCK 
Family: John Bowden BUCK / Eliza HARVEY (F635)
291 Groom Occupation: Labourer
Groom's Father's Occupation: Labourer
Bride's Father's Occupation: Shoemaker
Witness One: George HARLING
Witness Two: Sarah LONG  
Family: William LOWE / Eliza LONG (F441)
292 Groom Occupation Painter and Glazier
Groom Father Occupation Tailor and Glover
Bride Father Occupation Baker
Witness One: Robert Myhill
Witness Two: M. Myhill  
Family: William George MYHILL / Suzannah MYHILL (F223)
293 Groom Parish:- St Peter
Groom Condition:- Bachelor
Bride Parish:- St Peter
Bride Condition:- Spinster
Witness One:- Mary BUCK
Witness Two:- Mary FULLER
Other:- Charlotte Barrett X Her Mark Mary Fuller X Her Mark 
Family: John BUCK / Charlotte BARRETT (F477)
294 Groom's Age:- 29 years
Groom's Parish:- Great Grimsby
Groom's Occupation:- Labourer
Groom's Father:- James OSBORN
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Labpurer sic and Cottager
Bride's Age:- 20 years
Bride's Parish:- Humberston
Bride's Father:- William COLLINSON
Bride's Father's Occupation:- Labourer and Cottager
Witness One:- William COLLINSON
Witness Two:- Martha OSBORN
Witness Three:- Betsy ALLENBY 
Family: James OSBORN / Eva COLLINSON (F398)
295 Groom's Parish:- Bracon Ash
Bride's Parish:- Mulbarton
Witness One:- Robt MYHILL
Witness Two:-:- Amy HOUGHTON
Witness Three:- Sarah MYHILL 
Family: James MYHILL / Susan HOUGHTON (F446)
296 Groom's Parish:- Fundenhall
Bride's Parish:- Tacolneston
Witness One:- Thomas BLOFIELD
Witness Two:- James MAYES 
Family: James SAUNDERS / Rhoda MAYES (F486)
297 Groom's Parish:- Humberston
Groom's Occupation:- Labourer
Groom's Father:- John COLLINSON
Groom's Father's Occupation:- Shepherd
Bride's Parish:- Humberston
Bride's Father:- William WELLS
Bride's Father's Occupation:- Pilot
Witness One:- Thomas COLLINSON
Witness Two:- John WELLS 
Family: Joseph COLLINSON / Mary Anne WELLS (F61)
298 Had to leave school at 11 to look after the 3 younger children when her mother died and until her father married again 4 years later.
She didn't get on with her step mother and went to live with a friend of the family as companion nanny 
COX, Alice Eliza (I146)
299 have birth cert COX, Albert Arthur (I131)
300 have birth cert INGRAM, Florence Annie (I132)

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