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Loading... Memorial Stone Erected by John Marshall
Face of Stone
ERECTED BY JAMES MARSHALL, Seaman. In Memory of his Father JOHN MARSHALL. Shipmaster. Who died 8th March 1857, Aged 52. Also his Mother; SARAH LAWRANCE, Who died 15th February 1872 Aged 67. And his son JOHN HENDRY, Who died 23rd Oct 1865, Aged 7. Deeply Regreated. Also of their lamented son, JAMES, Who was drowned in Dunbar Bay; With the Jane of Peterhead on the 14th Oct 1881 Aged 20 years. The raging sea rose high that day. The stormy wind did roar Our Son engulfed by angry waves Has reached another shore
Copy of gravestone in Peterhead Old Kirkyard on South Road. Copy made on a visit to Peterhead 10th April 1999 by Ruairidh Greig who typed this
Status: Located
Peterhead Old Kirkyard, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Cemetery Photos
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Memorial Stone Erected by John Marshall
Face of Stone ERECTED BY JAMES MARSHALL, Seaman. In Memory of his Father JOHN MARSHALL. Shipmaster. Who died 8th March 1857, Aged 52. Also his Mother; SARAH LAWRANCE, Who died 15th February 1872 Aged 67. And his son JOHN HENDRY, Who died 23rd Oct 1865, Aged 7. Deeply Regreated. Also of their lamented son, JAMES, Who was drowned in Dunbar Bay; With the Jane of Peterhead on the 14th Oct 1881 Aged 20 years. The raging sea rose high that day. The stormy wind did roar Our Son engulfed by angry waves Has reached another shore
Copy of gravestone in Peterhead Old Kirkyard on South Road. Copy made on a visit to Peterhead 10th April 1999 by Ruairidh Greig who typed this
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Memorial Stone Erected by John Marshall
Rear of Stone Also of the late JAMES MARSHALL,, Seaman, who was drowned At sea of (sic) the Perseverance, 1901 Aged 65 years. WILLIAM MCKEN MARSHALL, Youngest son of the above Died 20th July 1916 aged 50 years Interred in Cambio Cemetery Rio de Janeiro Deeply Mourned Also MARGARET MCKEN Widow of JAMES MARSHALL, Died 19th Oct. 1928 aged 93 years Loved and Mourned. Also AGNES MCKEN, Who died at Aberdeen on 17th January 1932 aged 84 years.
Photo and inscription copy kindly supplied by Alison Kennedy |
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Memorial Erected by Helen Pattillo ERECTED By HELEN PATTILLO In Memory of her Husband JOHN CRAMOND Sometime Cooper in Peterhead Who died on the 15th January 1847 In the 48th year of his Age Also their son ALEXANDER Who died at Garmouth 9th June 1861 Aged 34 yrs And JOHN who died At Melbourne Australia 1st February 1862 Aged 33 years and his spouse ELISABETH CARDNO Who died at Melbourne 30th Sept 1858 Aged 25 yrs And their infant daughter HELEN AMELIA who died 1st October 1858 Aged 1 Month Also the Above HELLEN PATTILLO Who Died 4th April 1873 Aged 79 yrs their daughter HELEN Who Died 16th Oct 1917 Aged 86yrs MARGARET Elder daughter of the above Wife of JOHN MARSHALL Shipmaster Died 7th April 1869
Copy of gravestone in Peterhead Old Churchyard on South Road. The stone is about 20 metres south of the ruined church’s tower. Copy made on a visit to Peterhead 10th April 1999 by Ruairidh Greig who typed this |
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