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Stone Erected by Alexander Pattillo

By Alexander Pattillo,
Wright, Cairney,
In Memory of his Spouse, ANNE SMITH,
Who died. 9th May, 1837,
Aged 37.
The Erector of this Stone
Was born at Corskie near Banff,
And died at Ruthven,
19th June 1848 Aged 61(4?) years.

Alexander Pattillo was a "Square Wright", which was a furniture maker.
He was from Cairnie (or Cairney).
Thus the second line of the inscription.
I am indebted to Ruairidh Greig for this explanation. Ruairidh also gave me the photograph and a transcription of the inscription.

Status: Located

Owner of originalRuairdh Greg
PlaceSt Martin's Parish Kirk, Cairnie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Linked toAlexander PATTILLO (Burial); Anne SMITH (Burial)

St Martin's Parish Kirk, St Martin's Parish, Cairnie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Notes: The Old Kirk: The present parish kirk was built in 1805 and is of a typical rectangular form with dressed rubble walls. The S. façade is composed of four round-arched windows, and the W. gable is crowned by a plain finial-capped bellcote.
Although services are no longer held at the kirk, and it appears to be in good order, the kirk is in danger of being forgotten and could fall into decay.
All that remains of the old kirk of Botarie is the 16th - century Gordon of Pitlurg Aisle, restored in 1868. This aisle was added to the N. side of the old kirk in 1597 and contains an a small sculpted effigy that once stood in the old kirk, and is said to be that of St. Martin. The red sandstone inscription under a rusting corrugated iron canopy is weathering badly.

Tombstones: There is only one sarcophagus tombstone in the kirkyard, which is undecorated, though 3 old tombstones rest along the boundary wall. Most of the upright tombstones, of which there are over one hundred, are from the late 19th - century in date.
One late 20th - century tombstone sports the charming feature of a carved cow on top of a polished black marble headstone.

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