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William Marshall Correspondence - Letter 2
William Marshall was the second son of John Marshall and
Sarah Lawrence, born at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, in October 1830. The
following letters were kept by his niece, my Great Grandmother Helen Urquhart
(ms Marshall). According to Jessie Urquhart, her daughter, William was a whaler
who returned to the Arctic and married an Eskimo. Auntie Sissie (Sarah
Urquhart) met him on a visit to Peterhead and said that in his hand knitted
vest and long pants, he looked to her like a polar bear. – Ruairidh Greig
Letter 2
Dear Brother Sister
I write you this few lines to let you know that I received your letter today mentioning about some money and if you please to send it to me I will be verey happy to get it for I want it very much for I have no clothes but what I stand in and I can get them cheap here if I had the money and if you send it put it in the letter that you write to me for if you send an order I wont get ashore to draw it for we only get ashore after 6 o’clock at night and then it is to let for the post office I am going to the clerk as soon as we are reday for spithead we are taking in coals at present and have no time to speak about my half pay but I will write to you agen when I have more time then I have now for I am in a hurry give my respects to my father and mother and Margret mother and Helen and my brothers and sister and tell Lawson and harp that am well thank god and hopes that you are the same send it by return of post or you will be to let
No More at present
But reamans your loveing
Brother William Marshall
Excuse my write
The William MARSHALL Letters - Letter 2
Written from Portsmouth - I am unsure which ship he was on.
Transcribed by Ruairidh Greig
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